About Us

What happens when a lifelong reader meets a lifelong gamer? (Aside from the spending their ENTIRE weekends indoors.)
They look for opportunities to combine their two hobbies. Until one day, one of the two is so fed up with the exorbant amounts of gems the story app she’s infatuated with requires from her to, you know, MAKE THE DECISIONS that the other says “hey, let’s make our own app”.

Oh, how the poor guy has regretted those six words. But with his almost two decades of professional experience as a developer and her lifelong writing skills turned copywriter, they got the job done.

We believe in rainy nights under the full moon and all things magical. Halloween is our favourite holiday (take THAT, Christmas!) and the colour black may well be the colour of our souls. Do not get us started on a particular school for wizards or black cats — you will never hear the end of our undying affection.

All of this is reflected in the worlds you inhabit and the stories you create in Daring Destiny: Story Choices. We provide the magic, you decide what happens in these original, interactive books.

Daring Destiny: Story Choices is your interactive story game dripping with magic.

Richard L.

Implementation & Coordination


Patricia B.

Writing & Communication
